
Intercountry committee India - Germany





Among more than 65 countries connected by Inter Country Councils of German Rotarians India is a heavyweight. It is taking care of contacts with the second largest country of the world and the biggest one that domiciles Rotary. Its population of more than 1.2 billion inhabitants is not only almost 15 times as big as that of Germany.  Children and youngsters under 15 moreover with more than 30 percent account for more than double the share of the population. With increasing education a work force develops that is not only important for India. Especially English speaking countries reinforce their human capital with immigrants from there.  India, a still emerging country is in a stage of boom that will essentially influence the world economy and exporting countries like Germany.
On the other hand there are serious development problems making India dependent on good partners. If one looks at the Human Development Index 2011 Germany ranks 9th whereas India occupies position 134. Traffic, water, sewage, waste, energy structures are dangerous bottlenecks. Health systems and social security are underdeveloped. These fields are in accordance with focus issues of international Rotarian service. They are also main topics of our committee. Rotary clubs in India spread quickly and are often very active.  Confronted with the enormous size of these tasks however they do depend on cooperation with clubs worldwide and especially with us Europeans and Germans! With such cooperation the ground is prepared for an expanding exchange and mutual benefits.

The tasks of the Indo-German ICC are accordingly

  • Creation of an Indo-German Rotary club network
  • Fostering of all kind of exchanges between Germany and India
  • Encouraging, intermediation and monitoring  of world community and vocational service projects and cooperations

The ICC India Germany was founded in 1987. PDG K. Chandramohan of the RC of Budge Budge, (RID 3291, Kolkata) holds the chair of the Indian chapter. In Germany the longtime chair PDG Reinhardt Fricke, RC Muenster-St. Mauritz (RID 1870) handed on this position to PDG Peter Iblher, RC Nuernberg-Reichswald (RID 1880, Saxony and Northern Bavaria) July 1st 2010.

If you are looking for Rotarian advice, support or contact as to India, trustfully turn to our council members listed below.

PDG Peter Iblher






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