District 1880 - RC Nuremberg-Reichswald
Cataract operations for island inhabitants in the Ganges delta
Target group
Medically unsupported island inhabitants in the Indian part of the Ganges delta
Farmers, gatherers and fishermen living on the many islands of the Ganges delta have almost no medical assistance. Cataracts are a big danger for an independent living. 1000 cataract operations will therefore be performed for these people.
Islands in the river delta that are approached by the Rotarian hospital boat Jibontari
D 3291, RC Dum Dum, D 1880, RC Nürnberg-Reichswald
Time space
Operations to b e performed in 2012/13
MG, 18000 $
Rotarian Friendship between Germany and India for more than 40 years
The friendship between the RC Münster St. Mauritz and the RC Budge Budge D 3291 was initiated more than 40 years ago by PP Peter Berghaus. The clubs became matched clubs and have visited each other ever since. A close friendship has developed. Since 1986 Reinhard Fricke PDG has visited the Indian Rotary clubs every year, in February 2010 for the 25th time.
The RC Münster St. Mauritz cooperated, together with the D 1870, German Rotarians and Non-Rotarians and TRF in many different social projects, with the Rotary Club Budge Budge and the RC’s Ambattur D 3230, Bhubaneswar D 3260, Kumbakonam D 2980, Ludhiana D 3070.
After earthquakes they cooperated with districts in Gujarat and central India, after a cyclone in Orissa and after the Tsunami on 26.12.2004 in Tamil Nadu, India.
The social projects were, among others, support of 80 orphans and semi orphans and children of destitute families in four ashrams, drilling tube wells, sanitary latrines, supporting schools with school material, computers and benches, hospitals with technical and medical equipment, houses for people who suffered from earthquake, cyclone and tsunami, mobile boat clinic in the Hooghly river delta, maternal health education, school education, vocational training, free eye operations, treatment of cerebral pulsy patients, etc.
By The World of the open Heart, the welfare trust of the Muenster Rotary Clubs, funds amounting to over more than 1 million € were contributed to social projects of Indian Rotary clubs. In more than 30 matching grants projects of Indian Rotary clubs were supported together with TRF.
Reinhard Fricke PDG
Indo-German Intercountry Committee
RC Muenster St. Mauritz D 1870 Germany
Mai 2010