Rotary Magazin Rotary Termine

Lead District 1800


Intercountry Committee Germany – East Africa


Members of the Intercountry Committee


1. Germany - Lead District 1800



Barbara Hartung
RC Calenberg-Pattensen


D 1842

Hans-Georg Fick
RC Landshut-Trausnitz

D 1800

Michael Hable
RC Lutherstadt Wittenberg

D 1820

Bernd Ilbertz
RC Kronberg

D 1940

Christoph Langner
RC Stralsund-Hansestadt

D 1860

Rudolf Mengel

RC Ingelheim am Rhein

D 1820

Klaus Pfeiffer
RC Marburg-Schloss

D 1880

Frido SJ Pflüger
RC Dresden-Goldener Reiter

D 1940

Hans-Jörg Schüler
RC Stralsund-Hansestadt

D 1800

Christiane Seyfarth
RC Weißenfels-Heinrich Schütz


2. East Africa


Coordinator ICCs District 9211

PDG Harish Bhatt
RC Bahari Dar es Salaam

Uganda, Tanzania

Coordinator ICCs District 9212

Evance Mundia
RC Muthaiga

Eritrea, Kenia, Ethiopia, South-Sudan






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