
Truck with drinking water, Foto:Linda Tenbohlen/Caritas International
Famine in East Africa – your donations are urgently needed!
Lack of grain deliveries from Ukraine and droughts have led to a terrible situation in many African countries. Especially East Africa is already in the middle of a famine catastrophe.
Due to the war in Ukraine, food prices are rising dramatically in already drought-stricken countries. According to the World Food Program around 82 million people are suffering from hunger in East Africa. Our help is urgently needed here!
In Caritas International in Freiburg we have found a reputable partner with a solid network in these countries and decades of experience in direct aid.
We plan an emergency relief program set up with Rotary funds to provide life-saving water and food to 70,000 people in northern Kenya and Somalia. These two African countries are currently experiencing the greatest need. They suffer most from supply shortages and rising food prices. Somalia imports 100 percent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine. Kenya 40 percent. They are already extremely weakened by the Covid pandemic, locust plagues and a drought that has lasted for almost two years. The United Nations is warning of a "hurricane of hunger."
In the particularly hard-hit Somali regions of Hiran and Banadir we will provide people with life-saving water, hygiene kits and cash for food. We also plan to improve the water and nutrition situation in Marsabit County in northern Kenya, enabling children to go to school again.
Foto: Caritas International
We, the chairpersons of all African country committees and contact points, are making a concerted effort to ask wholeheartedly for your donation for these suffering people. Every Euro counts.
Donations against the famine in Africa are requested to:
Rotary Germany Community Service e.V.
IBAN: DE80300700100394120000
subject and purpose of use: Hunger Relief East Africa Project No. C477900 P2301
Please also ask your friends and neighbors to donate. They should add their address in the purpose of use, so that RDG can send them donation receipts.
Our advantage is that Rotary is leanly organized and can respond quickly. Our fund raising campaign will end September 15th this year. We will then transfer our donations to the relief projects in Kenya and Somalia.
Feel free to contact one of us if you would like more information. Thank you in advance.
The chairpersons of all African country committees and contact points:
Bernd Ilbertz (D 1820) - Africa Forum
Jan-Peter Sölter, Stephanie Waetjen (D1800), Barbara Wolf-Wicha (AT) (D 1920) - East Africa
Tyll Weber-Carstanjen (D 1830) - North African countries
Hans Rohde (D 1841) - Central Africa
Hans-Günther Gellersen (D 1850) - South Central Africa
Bernhard Maisch, Rainer Moosdorf (D 1820) - southern Africa
Hans-Georg Fick (D 1842) - Nigeria
Karl Kunz (D 1860) - West Africa