Partner clubs for many GG / DG projects in Egypt are urgently needed.
Intercountry Committee (ICC) Egypt - Germany
Districts 1842 Germany & 1860 Egypt
Mission of the Country Committee
An inter-country committee's mission is to build a force that encourages Rotarians to visit each other's countries and homes. Strengthen friendships and projects, encourage clubs and districts to connect with clubs and districts in other countries, and make contributions to world peace.
In order to realize the cooperation between Germany and Egypt, the ICCs of the Rotary Districts 2451 Egypt and 1842 Germany were founded to carry out the following activities together.
• Sponsoring new Rotary clubs.
• Establishment of a partner club network between the participating countries.
• Have an exchange of friendship between the two countries.
• Initiation and implementation of international service projects.
This protocol is valid for three years, 2019/2020 to 2023/2024
April 2018: Completion of Global Grant Projekts GG 1747168 "Water for Life 7 Fayoum"

The GG project GG 1747168 "Water for Life 7 Fayoum" was completed. Due to the new exchange rate of the Egyptian pound in proportion to the U.S. dollar another 162 drinking water connections additional the 600 connections planned originally could be established. The final report was sent to TRF.
Final report "Water for Life 7 Fayoum"
February 2018: Invitation for the district conference 2451 Egypt to Cairo

Friend Sabri brought for the organizing committee of the 5th district conference 2451 (Egypt) in May in Cairo an invitation.
February 2018: Meeting with Amin Sabri (RC Al Shorouk Cairo) and his Mrs Ines (RC Heliopolis El Shorouk) in Munich

On the occasion of a visit in Munich a conversation of the two project assignees Sabri and Müller-Römer took place for the further carrying out of the GG project "Water for Life 2 Sohag" in Munich on February 8th, 2018.
February 2018: Lending one Paul Harris Fellow to Gerhard Grossmann
On suggestion of Frank Müller-Römer awarded the RC Munich country to 6, February 2018 on the Rotarian friend Gerhard Grossmann another Paul Harris Fellow PHF (+1). Within the last years friend Grossmann has contributed by his translations of the German texts of the internet page of the German section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt quite decisively to design the internet page bilingual.
October 2017: Lending the Paul Harris Fellow to Mrs Yvonne Heimerdinger (RDG.)

On the occasion of the RDG members meeting on October 10th, 2017 presented Frank Müller-Römer the Rotary document in the name of his club (RC Munich-Land) for the lending of the PHF to Mrs Yvonne Heimerdinger. He thanked planning and execution of the water projects "Water for Life 1 Beni Suef" and WWater for Life 2 Sohag" for its great engagement and the permanent helpfulness"
July 2017: Report rotary magazine 7/2017 in this

During the district conference 2451 in Hurghada rotary reports to it in May 2017 magazine 7/2017 became in detail Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, about the contacts of the two sections of the country refuse Egypt, the common social projects and the visit of the DG 1842, Peter Wohlrab, as well as the chairman of the German section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt into.
June 2017: Annual report of the German section of the country committee Egypt

Details have to be gathered from the writing down.
July 2017: District conference 1842 in Landshut

During the district conference 1842 the change was carried out in the chairmanship of the German section of the country committee Egypt on June 23rd, 2017: After six-year activity Frank Müller-Römer said goodbye with a look back about the main emphases of the work of the German section within the last years.
Presentation international service - country committees at the example Egypt (Frank Müller-Römer.)
The district another Paul Harris Fellow (PHF +1) Frank Müller-Römer said goodbye with gratitude and recognition for the work done within the last years, his great engagement and presented it to DG 1842 Peter Wohlrab named.
The district engaged PP Peter Rink, RC castle built in water, to do the office of the chairman of the German section of the country committee Egypt.
May 2017: Meeting of the Intercountry Committee Egypt in Hurghada

A meeting of the country committee Egypt took place on the edge of the district conference 2451 Egypt in Hurghada on May 12th. Details can be gathered from the writing down.
Report Frank Müller-Römer during the 4th district conference 2451 in Hurghada

On the second meeting day Frank Müller-Römer reported about the successful cooperation in the country committee Egypt and about the projects carried out jointly within the last years in Egypt. These referred particularly to the main emphases education of young women and girls as well as to water projects.
May 2017: Participation of DG 1842 Peter Wohlrab and Frank Müller-Römer, chairman of the German section of the country committee Egypt, in the 4th district conference 2451 Egypt in Hurghada

On invitation of the DGn 2451 Majan Raslan DG 1842 Peter Wohlrab and Frank Müller-Römer, chairman of the German section of the country committee Egypt, took part in the 4th district conference 2451 for Egypt in Hurghada at the beginning of May.
A further German participant was Andreas Heigl, RC Munich country.
May 2017: GG project "connection of houses to the drinking water supply" in Beni Suef the RC Cairo Cosmopolitan and the RC Worms Nibelung in Beni Suef
This was ended successfully Global Grant Projekt started in February 2015 of the RC Worms Nibelung together with the RC Cairo Cosmopolitan for the drinking water supply in Beni Suef. The final report was submitted to TRF.
April 2017: Completion of the GG project "Water for Life 1 Beni Suef" with 2.170 attached households/houses.

The GG project "Water for Life 1 Beni Suef", which of the RC München-Land and had planned and carried out the RC Al Maadi, Cairo, with a subsidy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the amount of 75% of the total costs, was April completed 2017 successfully in this. 2170 houses could be attached to the drinking water supply. To this extensive instructions took place in body hygiene and water consumption.
The end was announced in a press conference with the Governor of the district Beni Suef of the public.
March 2017: GG 1747180 project "Water for Life 7 Fayoum"

On suggestion of the DGn 2451 Majan Raslans and the chairmen of the Egyptian section of the ICC Egypt, Soheir Wahib, the project arose.
As in the case of the projects "Water for Life 1 Beni Suef" and "Water for Life 2 Sohag" a subsidy was applied for in turn about RDG on the part of BMZ for the project "Water for Life 7 Fayoum", too. Due to changed main emphases of the Federal Ministry of economic cooperation and development (BMZ) the application was turned down, however. So only a GG application could be planned on considerably smaller scale (approx. 49.000 US $).
The RC Munich Land took the Primary International sponsor the tasks, that one the Primary host sponsor the RC Cairo Royal.
The application was then approved by TRF on March 8th.
Approved application GG 1747180
The GG project intends to attach 600 households to the drinking water supply in the room Beni Suef and to give hygiene lessons.
January 2017: Meeting with Amin Sabri (RC Al Shorouk Cairo) and his Mrs Ines (RC Heliopolis El Shorouk Cairo) in Munich

On the occasion of a visit in Munich conversations of the two project assignees Sabri and Müller-Römer took place in Munich for the GG project "Water for Life 2 Sohag" as well as about the participation in the district conference 2451 in Hurghada on January 23rd, 2017.
New Global Grant Project „Purchase of Incubators for Premature Babies“ for a location south of Cairo

As Primary International Sponsor, the Rotary Club Oldenburg/Germany, along with the Egyptian Rotary Club Heliopolis as Primary Host Sponsor, is planning a Global Grant Project “Purchase of Incubators for Premature Babies” for a village south of Cairo.
In addition to several individual members, three Rotary Clubs in District 1850, the Dutch partner club of Oldenburg and a number of clubs in the United States of America will support this project which will require a total sum of 75.000 US$.
16th October 2015: Conference to discuss GG Project “Water for Life 2 Sohag” in Munich

On 16th October 2015 a number of Rotarians met in Munich to discuss the future planning and realization of this new potable water project (Amir Sabri, RC Al Shorouk, responsible person for the project GG1635793 on behalf of the Primary Host Sponsor, Frank Müller-Römer, responsible person on behalf of the Primary International Sponsor RC München-Land, Incoming President Gregor Waggershauser and the Representative of the Foundation, both of RC München-Land).
Water Forum No. 3 on 23rd/24th October 2015 in Leipzig, Germany

At the occasion of Water Forum No. 3 in Leipzig on 24th October 2015, Mr. Schmidt-Schacht (RC Oldenburg and Member of the German Intercountry Committee Egypt) introduced Global Grant Project GG1419389 “Sanitation in Al Adly Village” near Qallouba (Delta) as planned by his Club, to be supported by the Rotary Club Heliopolis (for further details see “Projects – Current Projects).
New Global Grant Project “Water for Life 2 Sohag” (GG1635793)

July 2015: The RC Al Shorouk, as Primary Host Sponsor and the RC Munich-Land/Germany as Primary International Sponsor, in conjunction with other Egyptian and German Rotary Clubs are planning another fresh water project “Water for Life 2 Sohag” with a view to connecting houses in rural areas near Sohag (Central Egypt) to the public fresh water supply system and the public sewage.
Contributions for this project were applied for, and money is expected from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). A decision is expected in spring of 2016.
German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) agrees to contribute funds to GG Project 1529052

By letter of 1st July 2015 to RDG the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) advised that it will finance the project “Water for a Healthy Life” (Project No. 2015.1655.8) in part, that is 75% of the total cost which amount to 314.512 Euro.
15th June 2015 Visit of DG 1842, Gerhard Zierl, in district 2451

Incoming governor District 2451, Adel Hafez, welcoming guests
On 15th June 2015 questions of further cooperation between German and Egyptian Rotary Clubs within the framework agreed upon last year were discussed between PDG 2451 Yasser Assem, Incoming DG Adel Hafez, Soheir Wahib, chairwoman of the Egyptian Section, Intercountry Committee Egypt, and several other committee members.
In a press conference with journalists from several newspapers, radio stations and two TV stations the project was explained in detail.
The duo responsible for the project, Ms. Afaf Esmat and Frank Müller-Römer signed the Project Agreement for Global Grant Project GG 1529052 and the BMZ Project.
A formal meeting with ladies and friends of RC El Maadi and other clubs participating in the project followed, and many interesting conversations ended the day.
For further details see the First Interim Report.
14th June 2015 Global Grant Project GG1529052 „Beni Sueif Water Project”: Visit of DG 1842, Gerhard Zierl, and Frank Müller-Römer, chairman of the German Section, Intercountry Committee Egypt, with ladies and friends from RC El Maadi at the Potable Water Authority in Beni Sueif (Central Egypt)

On the occasion of a stay in Egypt, the Governor of Rotary District 1842, Gerhard Zierl, and the Agent in Charge of the Project for the R. C. München-Land, Frank Müller-Römer, visited the site of the project on 14th June 2015. They were accompanied by Ms. Afaf Esmat (R.C. Al Shorouk, Agent in Charge for the Rotary Club El Maadi), PP Abdelaty Kabeel (Project Manager) and Amin Sabri (R.C. Al Shorouk, Responsible Agent of Rotary District 2451 for Fresh Water Projects). They also led a lengthy discussion with Mr. Mahmoud Latif, Director of the Beni Suef Potable Water & Sanitation CO. Main points of their conference were the preparation, realization and invoicing of the activities for the connection of houses mainly in the settlements of Al Hibah Village and Al Jafadun Village in the Al Fashn area south of Beni Sueif (see also fig. 1 of the Interim Report).
June 2015 Successful completion of MG Project MG78511 “Promotion of the Education of young Females in Egypt (Literacy”

The MG Project 78511 "Promotion of the Education of Young Females in Egypt (Literacy)" was successfully completed in May 2015. In total, 635 young women and girls were taught to read, write and observe body hygiene in 37 courses with an average number of 17 participants.
The Final Report was put together by the R. C. Heliopolis on 17th June 2015 and accepted by the Rotary Foundation without any objection.
May 2015 Rotary German Common Service (RDG) submits application to finance a project “Water for Life”

In close cooperation with the Rotary Club München-Land Rotary German Common Service (RDG) filed an application in early May with the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to finance a project ”Water for Life”. The funds required to complete the project amount to Euro 314.515 = US$ 357.289. Part thereof will be the sum of US$ 89.350 that had been budgeted for an earlier Global Grant Project (GG 1529052, see Projects – Current Projects “Beni Sueif Water Project").
When completed, two settlements in Central Egypt near Beni Sueif (1.577 households) will be connected to the Public Drinking Water Supply System.
Details see ongoing-projects
May 2015 Global Grant Project "Beni Sueif Water Project (GG 1529052)" was approved from TRF

In early May 2015, the Rotary Foundation approved the "Beni Sueif Water Project" to which a number of Rotary Clubs had subscribed in February 2015 (RC Maadi as Host Sponsor, plus seven other Cairo and Alexandria Clubs, München-Land as Primary International Sponsor and six Clubs from Munich). The project sum is US$ 89.350. Plans are to connect 381 houses to the Public Drink Water Supply System.
Details see ongoing-projects
March 2015: The Egyptian Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt postpones the invitation to German friends to come and visit Cairo over Easter until May 2015

By letter of 9th March 2015, Ms Soheir Wahib, Chairwoman of the Egyptian Section of the Committee and PP of the German speaking RC Rhine-Nile, advises that the invitation to visit Cairo over Easter had to be postponed. The visit is now scheduled from Sunday, 17th May (arrival) until Wednesday, 20th May 2015 (departure). The program (and the method to extend the stay) is listed under Invitation May 2015. Please register with Ms Wahib directly.
February 2015: New Global Grant Project GG1419389 "Sewage System for Al Adly Village, Qualioubia (Delta)

Al Adly Village, part of Qualioubia without sewage system
Rotarian Friend Saba (RC Heliopolis Cairo), supported by the RC Oldenburg (District 1850), initiated a Global Grant Project (GG 1419389) to build and install a Waste Water Sewage System in Al Adly Village near Qualioubia (Delta), of a size to support appr. 300 houses with appr. 3.000 tenants. The project volume amounts to 72.000 US$. It was approved by the Rotary Foundation (TRF). Plans are to have it completed by the end of September 2015.
February 2015: Global Grant Project GG 1529052 "Beni Sueif water project"
In view of the fact that the intended cooperation with UNICEF failed to come about, RC Tahir cancelled its application for Project 1529052 “Water for Life”, which had formerly been filed with the Rotary Foundation (TRF). In the club`s stead, RC Cairo Maadi filed an application for the project in question named “Beni Sueif Water Project GG 1529052” for the same purpose.
February 2015: Global Grant project GG 1525756 "Connection of a village naer Beni Sueif to the Public Drinking Water Supply and to the waste water"

For the Report about the visit on February, 15. 2015 see Picture Gallery
In early February 2015 RC Cairo Cosmopolitan as Host Sponsor together with RC Worms-Nibelungen filed an application with the Rotary Foundation (TRF) for a Global Grant Project GG1525756 (Connection to the Public Drinking Water Supply and the Waste Water System of a village near Beni Suef).
January 2015: The Egyptian Section of the Intercountry Committee and the German speaking RC Rhein-Nile (Cairo) invited Rotarians from abroad to visit Egypt over Easter.

By letter dated 14th January 2015, Ms Soheir Wahib, chairwomen of the Egyptian Intercountry Committee, and her club, the German speaking RC Rhein-Nile (Cairo), sent out invitations to visit Egypt and to meet with Egyptian friends over Easter. The program and all necessary details are listed under “Invitation Easter 2015 Cairo”. Please register your participation with Ms Wahib directly (you find her E-Mail address on her cover letter).
January, 24. 2015: Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk (Cairo) visited Munich

Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk (Center), Roger Hamada, President RC München - Englischer Garten (right) and Frank Müller-Römer, RC München - Land (left)
On 24th January 2015 Amin Sabri, PP RC Al Shorouk (Cairo) spent time in Munich and met with Roger Hamada, President of RC München-Englischer Garten, and with Frank Müller-Römer, RC München Land and chairman of the German section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt. At this occasion, President Roger Hamada thanked Mr. Sabri and all members of RC Al Shorouk for their engagement and effort to complete Global Grant Project GG 1412160 (“Connect Houses in settlements near Beni Suef (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply”). He said that their continued promotion and intensive financial control made it possible to connect more houses to the Public Drinking Water Supply than had been planned. The participants of the meeting wished the RC Al Shorouk the best of luck for the future.
December 2014: Successful completion of Global Grant Project GG 1412160 "Connection of Houses in settlements near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply"

In mid December 2014 the job was done. Originally planning intended to connect 420 houses. Continued promotion and tight financial control made it possible to increase that number to 452. Members of RC Al Shorouk kept visiting the building site at their own cost and, in a total of six visits, cleared the road for the project in close contact with the local water authorities. The Project Delegate from RC München-Englischer Garten (Primary International Sponsor), Frank Müller-Römer, was present during one of the visits in May 2014. In addition, and also at the expense of the club members, two instructions courses of body hygiene were held (wash hands, cleanliness) for the local owners of the houses connected to the Public Drinking Water Supply. The club also donated the necessary utensils, like soap, disinfection supplies etc., including little gifts for the children. All parties involved in the project were thanked. The successful completion of the project brought a definite improvement of hygienic conditions, in particular for the many children, a fact which will also tend to reduce the mortality rate. For more details, see Final Report on TRF, Completed Projects.
November 2014: Global Grant Project GG 1523697 "Water for Life" was submitted to the Rotary Foundation (TRF)
The application for the Global Grant project GG1523697 "Water for Life" was approved and submitted by the Rotary Clubs in charge (München-Land and El Tahir, Cairo), and their Districts 1842 and 2451. The project provides for the connection of 500 households to the Public Drinking Water Supply In the El Qusela area near Assiut (Central Egypt). See further information under “Complieted Projects”.
November 2014: Waste Water / Sewage Project Al Adly Village Qalioubia in the Nile Delta
The RC Oldenburg (Messrs. Gutsche and Schmidt-Sacht) in conjunction with the RC Cairo plus Mr. Saba (RC Heliopolis Cairo) as Primary Sponsors are presently preparing a Global Grant Project amounting to 76.000 US$, in the course of which houses north of Cairo (in Al Adly Village Qalioubia/Nile Delta) will be connected to the public sewage system. A total of 11 Rotary Clubs in 6 countries are sponsoring the project. The initiating members of RC Oldenburg personally shoulder part of the costs. Once the project has been started, it will be followed by another one with a total volume of 45.000 US$.
October 2014: New Global Grant Project GG 1525756 for the connection of houses to the Public Fresh Water System in a village near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt)

The RC Worms-Nibelungen (Primary International Sponsor) and RC Cairo Cosmopolitan as Global Grant Host Sponsor submitted an application for a Global Grant Project (GG1525756) to the Rotary Foundation (TRF) for the connection of 80 houses with 800 – 1000 tenants to the Public Drinking Water Supply in El Fant Village near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt). The Global Grant Project sum amounts to 35.000 US$.
Visit of Ms Soheir Wahib, chairwoman of the Egyptian section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt - Germany vistit Germany

Soheir Wahib and Gov. Roeder v. Diersburg
At the occasion of a private visit to Germany, Ms Soheir Wahib, participated in meetings of the Rotary Clubs Giessen and Giessen-Altes Schloss. She also met the Governor of District 1820, Peter Frhr. Roeder von Diersburg. See report Visit in Germany.
July 2014: New Global Grant Project GG1523697 "Water for Life" for the connection of Houses to the Public Drinking Water Supply in a village near Assiut (Central Egypt)

In mid May 2014, Frank Müller-Römer, chairman of the Intercountry Committee Egypt (RC München-Land) spent time in Cairo. Mr. Nevine Abdelkalek, PP of RC El Tahir, and Mr. Amir Sabri, PP of RC Al Shorouk, advised him of a Global Grant Project in planning, for which international partners are sought. A participation of UNICEF Egypt is intended. The project concerns the connection of houses in settlements near Assiut in Central Egypt to the Public Drinking Water Supply, plus the instruction of women and children in matters of body hygiene (wash hands, brush teeth). One of the main points of the project is general health care. The volume is 107.000 US$. Primary Host Sponsor is the RC El Tahir, Primary International Sponsor is the RC München-Land. Seven other Rotary Clubs in Cairo and five other Rotary Clubs in München decided to support the project. Plans are to connect more than 500 houses/apartments with a total of 2.500 tenants.
May 2014: Inspection of Matching Grant Project MG 79236 "Connection of a settlement near Cairo (Abdalla Pasha) to the Public Drinking Water Supply

Reception of the visitors on May 13 by the village administrators of Abdalla Pasha together with Fayez Shafik, President RC Horus Heliopolis (third right hand).
On 13th May 2014, the Chairman of the German Section of Rotary’s Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, the President of RC Horus Heliopolis, Fayez Shafik, PP Magda Girgis and several other club members visited the site of the project ´Connection of houses to the Public Drinking Water Supply` whitch had been successfully completed a few days earlier. When the project was under construction, tight financial control of the allocated funds made it possible to connect more houses to the system than had been planned (final report).
Visitation of Matching Grant Project MG 78511 "Promotion of Education of young woman in Egypt (Literacy)"

Lesson in one of the classes
Also on 13th May, the Chairman of the German Section of Rotary’s Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, PP Amir Saba and several other club members visited the project, the second part of which had begun a few days earlier. The education of the young women runs according to plans. For further details see the 4. Intermediate Report of the Project.
Meeting of the Intercountry Committee Egypt - Germany in Cairo on May 12. 2014

Second from l. to r.: Magda Girgis, PP RC Horus Heliopolis, Amos Hamida, PP Ahmes K. Gabriel, RC Heliopolis, PDG Salem Mashhour, Honory Chaiman of Egypt Section, RC Cairo Zamalek, PDAG Frank Müller-Römer, PP Soheir Wahib, RC Cairo Rhein - Nile and PP Amir Saba, RC Heliopolis.
After a regular meeting of RC Heliopolis on 12th May 2014, the members of the Egyptian Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt met with the Chairman of the German Section in Cairo. Subject of their discussions were plans for a closer cooperation between clubs of both countries and the management of international community service projects as well as the enhancement of existing youth exchange programs. See minutes of the Intercountry Committee meeting on 12th May 2014.
Signing of an Agreement between the two sections of the Intercountry Committee concerning cooperation in the future

Signing of Agreement
On 12th May 2014, the Governor of Rotary District 2451, Yasser Assem, the Chairwoman of the Egyptian Section, Soheir Wahib, and the Chairman of the German Section, Frank Müller-Römer, signed a formal agreement, subject: the continuance of the future cooperation within the Committee.
Inspection of Global Grant Projekt GG1412160 "Connection of houses to the Public Drinking Water Supply in three smaller settlements near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt)

On 11th May 2014, the Chairman of the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, accompanied by members and ladies of the Host Club Al Shorouk, Cairo, inspected the works carried out on Project GG 1412160 ´Connectiomn of houses on the Public Drinking Water Supply` in thress smaler settlements near Beni Sueif (see 3. Intermediate Report), which run according to plan.
2014: Donation for the new Center for Handicapped Children in Luxor

The new Competence Center
During 2012, the RC München-Land donated a total of 3.200 € to “The little Pyramid e. V.”, Trier, an association sponsoring a social project in Luxor for the care and maintenance of poor, sick and handicapped children. For the enlargement of the center and for the strengthening of the current therapy and education programs of handicaps and many diseases a member of the club donated an additional amount of 2.000 €. For further details of the activities of Little Pyramid Center and its programs see Newsletter 1/2014.
May 2014: Visit of Rotarian Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk (Cairo) to RC München - Englischer Garten

Visit at RC München - Englischer Garten (from l. to r.) Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk (Cairo), Carla Schultz-Hoffmann, President RC München - Englischer Garten, Ms Sabri, RC Heliopolis El Shorouk, and Frank Müller-Römer, Chairman of the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt.
On 19th March, Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk (Cairo), and his wife, RC Heliopolis El Shorouk, visited a meeting the RC München-Englischer Garten. They were cordially welcomed by the President, Ms Carla Schulz-Hoffmann. Mr. Sabri, manager of Global Grant Project GG 1412160 carried jointly by the two clubs, informed the members of the state and progress of the works. This project is the first Global Grant Project realized in Egypt. Mr. Sabri also explained intended details about the new project “Water for Life”, which Rotary and UNICEF will start with the intention to connect settlements in Central Egypt to the Public Drinking Water Supply. For details see the link Water for Life.
Start of the Global Grant Project GG1412160 "Connection of houses in three small settlements near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply"

As a consequence of political unrest in Egypt, the start of this project was postponed from Fall 2013 to Spring 2014. Mr. Amin Sabri, responsible for the project among the members of RC Al Shorouk, advised his club in early March that the works to connect 69 resp. 73 houses in the settlements Bawara Village and El Deir Village had begun as planned. (2. Intermediate Report).
Performance of the Matching Grant Project MG79236 "Connection of Abdalla Pasha Village north of Cairo to the Public Drinking Water Supply"

Placement of the plastc duct
Due to the political unrest in Egypt, the start of the project was delayed until Fall 2013. As evidenced by the Prefinal Report presented by the responsible parties in RC Horus in early March 2014, the major part of the works were meanwhile carried out (see MG 79236 Prefinal Report and MG 79236, 2. Intermediate Report).
Matching Grant Project MG78511 "Promotion of the education of young woman in Egypt (Literacy)"
After the political unrest subsided, the project was duly started in one of the delta villages during November 2013. For further details see 3. Intermediate Report.
Global Grant Project GG1412160 "Connection of 3 settlements near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply"; Approval of the project
By letter of 25th September the Rotary Foundation (TRF) approved the Global Grant Project GG1412160 involving a total sum of 82.000 US$.
Beginning of October RC Wien-Graben, a partner club of RC München-Englischer Garten, decided to contrtibute 50% to the donation of the Primary International Sponsor RC München-Englischer Garten. Accordingly, direct and indirect participants in the project are now the RC Al Shorouk (Primary Host Sponsor), plus one club each in Austria and Hungary plus three German clubs.
Global Grant Project GG1412160 "Connection of 3 Settlements near Beni Sueif (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply"; meeting Project Coordinators
On 17th August 2013, the Project Coordinators of Global Grant Projekt GG 1412160 met in München (Mr. Amin Sabri, RC Al Shorouk Heliopolis, who visited München on business and Mr. Müller-Römer, RC München-Land). They discussed the political situation in Egypt and the aspects for the continuation of the project which is dependent upon the restitution of public safety. An application to approve the project has meanwhile been filed with the Rotary Foundation (TRF) (Global Grant Application) by the Primary Host Sponsor Al Shorouk Heliopolis. Mr. Sabri said he is convinced that it will only take a few months to restitute public safety in the area around Beni Suef to a point that the project can be continued. All necessary approvals from the authorities have been received, and the people in the area are definitely expecting to get “their” connection to the Public Drinking Water Supply. He feels that local people identify themselves to a considerable degree with this Rotarian project; he does not doubt that a successful completion will be possible. He expects that works can be started towards the end of 2013.
Delays of Projects near Beni Sueif and Minya (Central Egypt)

Ruins of a church in Minya (Source: Daily Mail online, August, 17. 2013
Because of the political unrest particularly in Central Egypt, the start of Project 18511 (Promotion of the Education of young women in Egypt (Literacy) had to be postponed. The contemplated start in the summer of 2013 could not be kept. No prediction can be made as to the start of Global Grant Project GG 1412160 Fall 2013 which also had to be postponed.
Rotarian Study Group "Water"
The water coordinator of District 1840, Mr. Theodor Strobl (RC Germering) invited club members from Districts 1841 and 1842 to a discussion. In a meeting held on 10th July 2013 , some water projects completed, some that are presently in the process of building and some in the planning stage were introduced and discussed. The participants agreed to meet again on 23rd October 2013 to debate ideas and propositions for further water projects, centered round questions like “What is needed, and which parts could Rotary shoulder?” During the first meeting, the Chairman of the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, introduced reports on current projects presently realized in Egypt.
Partnership Agreement between RC München - Residenz and RC Cairo Kasr el-Nile

The signing of the partnership papers
Mr. Stephan Uhlenhuth, President of RC München-Residenz, visited their contact club RC Cairo Kasr el-Nile from 19th to 22nd May 2013. After extensive discussions about future cooperation programs the partnership documents were signed on 20th May 2013. On 21st May a visit to Alexandria was made. Among other things, the visitors were informed about a Rotaract/Rotary Micro Credit Program. The visit and the signing of the partnership agreement deepened the personal contacts and relations between the two clubs.
Global Grant GG1412160 "Ehnasia potable water"

In mid March, based on the discussions with Egyptian clubs during the visit of members of the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt in Cairo at the end of February 2013 (see further down), the RC München - Englischer Garten decided to sponsor a Global Grant Project “EHNASIA potable water” together with RC Al Shorouk Cairo. A number of other German clubs (RC München - Münchner Freiheit and RC München - Ost) as well as the partnership club of RC München - Englischer Garten, the RC Budapest, will also participate. The project sum is 82.000 US$.
Matching Grant Project MG79236 "Connection of a village north of Cairao to the Public Drinking Water Supply"

During a visit of the Chairman of the German section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer (RC München Land), in early February in Cairo, he agreed with the President of RC Horus Heliopolis, Magda Girgis, to apply for an additional Drinking Water project. Similar to a project handled by RC Oldenburg (see further down) a settlement situated north of Cairo in the Nile Delta is to be connected to the Public Drinking Water Supply by a 2000 m long connecting duct. The project was approved by TRF (MG 79236). RC München - Englischer Garten agreed to coordinate the project. RC München 100, RC München - Friedensengel and RC München - Königsplatz will help carry the load.
Discussion between members of RC Al Shorouk Cairo about an application for a Global Grant Project

Club Secretary Hela Fathy (left), Frank Müller-Römer (center) and Amin Sabri (right)
On 25th February 2013, members of RC Al Shorouk Cairo (Hela Fathy, Amin Sabri) and the Chairman of the German Section of Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer, conversed about an additional application for a Global Grant and its realization with RC München - EnglischerGarten and other München clubs, with a view to continue projects which, carried by donations of 20 Rotary Clubs in Cairo, will lead to a connection of appr. 600 houses in Beni Sueif (Central Egypt) to the Public Drinking Water Supply.
Meeting of members of the Intercountry Committee an February, 25. 2013 in Cairo

Soheir Wahib, Chairwoman of the Egyptian Section, PDG Martin Gutsche, RC Oldenburg (left), and Frank Müller-Römer (right)
At the occasion of discussions among various Rotary Clubs in Cairo, a meeting had been arranged between the Chairwoman of the Egyptian Section of the Intercountry Committee and two members of the German Section. The discussed various points with a view to intensify the continued cooperation and the information exchange in the course of project realization.
Inspection of the completed Matching Grant Project "Drinking Water Supply"

Wulf Schmidt - Sacht, RC Oldenburg, standing near a connection duct
On 24th February 2013, the project was formally accepted and officially taken over. Present were several members of RC Heliopolis and other Cairo Rotary Clubs, Mr. Wulf Schmidt-Sacht, who initiated the project, PAG Martin Gutsche (both of RC Oldenburg), two representatives of the French partner clubs RC Soissons (District 1670), the Chairman of the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt, Frank Müller-Römer. Habashi Village Qaliouba was finally connected to the Public Drinking Water Supply. A large number of representatives from local administrations, the planning authorities and the water System were in attendance, plus very many local residents.
See Gallery: Connection of a village in the Nile Delta to the Public Drinking Water Supply
Inspection of Matching Grant Project MG77747 "Literacy" in a village near Cairo

Reading lesson in a class of 20 young girls and woman
On 24th February 2013 PDG Martin Gutsche and Wulf Schmidt-Sacht (both of RC Oldenburg) visited the site of the Project “Promotion of the Education of young Women”(MG 77747) in a village north of Cairo which had been initiated by them. Mr. Saba (RC Heliopolis) gave detailed information about planning and realization of the project. He underlined the great help the community had rendered by providing for 20 class rooms free of charge for 20 students each.
Matching Grant Project MG78511 "Education of young Females in Egypt"

In a lesson
In late December 2012, RA Heliopolis (District 2450) and RC München-EnglischerGarten (District 1840) applied for a Project “Education of young Females in Egypt” (MG 78511), This project is in close connection with a similar one carried by the RC Oldenburg (see further down) and also promotes the education of 600 young women (reading, writing, job training and preventive health measures) in BeniSueif, a village situated appr. 110 km south of Cairo. The RC Heliopolis will supervise the application, the realization, financial control and final invoicing. The project sum is 19.950 US$.
Global Peace Forum "Peace without Bounds", Berlin November, 30. to December, 2. 2012

Several members of the Intercountry Committee Egypt were present at a Global Peace Forum “Peace without Bounds” in Berlin. Along the lines of the rules issued by the German Districts almost all Intercountry Committees formally met on 30th November 2012, including the German Section of the Intercountry Committee Egypt.
New Matching Grant Projects of RC Oldenburg
The RC Oldenburg (District 1850) has started two new Matching Grants in Cairo, in partnership with the RC Heliopolis.
With the realization of Project “Water Cairo” (MG 77672 in February 2013, a village with 1.000 people was connected to the Public Drinking Water Supply.
Connection to Public Drinking Water Supply
The Project “Women Cairo” (MG 77747), which was initiated by PDG Martin Gutsche, member of the Intercountry Committee Egypt, and is under his supervision, will promote and enhance the education of 600 young women (reading, writing, job training, preventive health measures and enlightenment).
Promotion of the education of young women
Donation from RC München - Land for the project "The little Pyramid"

The littler Pyramid ... for the poorest children in Egypt
A sum of 3.200 US$ was the unspent surplus left over from funds intended for the realization of Project “Education of young women”. The money was donated to the association “The little Pyramid” for their social work in caring for poor and sick children in Luxor
New partnership
During their charter ceremony the RC München-Residenz entered into a partnership with RC Cairo Kasr el Nile. Mutual visits are planned with a view to deepen the friendship between the two peoples.